mica coburn
M O T H E R ' S D A Y
Mags, let’s face it, not the best mom in the world, decides that it’s time to build back the relationship with her unwavering, yet juvenile son Dee, a member of a local desert racing squad Raw Dogs. She picks, as she thinks, a perfect time for that, Mother’s Day, expecting him to give her a call and uses it as a way in. Little does she know that Dee is not only not going to call her, but he has a serious issue to deal with today: a dead teenager that is locked in his apartment. So today, Mags might actually get a chance of a reunion, but under the circumstances, she would have never imaged to find herself in.
Director: Lena Tsodykovskaya
Writers: Taylor Sardoni, Michael Piech
Executive Producer: Jean de Meuron
Producers: Elena Bawiec , Dan Funes, Michael Schwarcz
Co-Producer: Mica Coburn
Director of Photography: Andrey Nikolaev
Los Angeles, USA (2016)